Let Me Write A Poem About You

Hello guys welcome to my blog✨how are you guys? I hope you was good in today:D. Oke now I want to show you about two character which one the topic of my poem check this out.

The one story I've been reading is Orca

The title of this story is Orca, Orca is the name of a killer whale. The author of this story is Phillip Burrows, the length of this text is five chapter, and then I was read this story in English e-Reader you can read this story from this link

Orca is the story about Jack's journey with his wife Tonya and his two friends Max and Sasha.
Everything was okay, until Tonya was gone and she cannot swim thats sea because it is to cool, and she can't find someone in there.
And then Jack and his friend was worried about Tonya, because she gone in a long day.
Especially Jack, he was very worried about his wife remember they have meet with Orca (the killer whale) Jack, Max, and Sasha was very worried, because Tonya was gone in the sea.

Tonya was a wife from Jack, and she was very kind with other's. Why I pick this character? Because I like her, I like her when she meet again with Jack and kisses, so romantis right:).
So thats my reason why I pick Tonya.

And then lets see my acrostic poem about this story, check this out.

T : Is Tall (I think Tonya is tall and she was an adult woman)
O : Is Overprotective (She is very want to get back and meet her husband Jack, but she can't because she cannot swim that sea and no find someone else)
N : Not bad (I know Tonya was a kindly people, she was kind with every people was she meet)
Y : Young (I think Tonya is a young girl to, I know she was married but she was an young girl)
A : A good woman (I know she was affraid, but she was dare hereself to not affraid about anything, because she know she will meet again with her husband and her friend)

Oke for my reason why I write the poem is, I was get a real about Tonya, I know that Tonya is a good person she was gonna do everything for the best and she will never give up easily.
So, in the end of this story Tonya can meet her husband and her friend by a fin. 
And then they journey was will remembered when they are not together anymore:)

Okey the next story that I listen is.

Oke the title of this story is Alvin and the chimpunks, the duration is 1:30:12, the author is Rose Bagdasarian and based on the real life of Rose Bagdasarian.
And if you want to see the movie you can open this link. (https://youtu.be/FxPsE4O34M0)

This story is talk about the human who can speak with a chimpunk, and then they was be a friend or I can say a small family right?:D.
There's a three chimpunks who life with the man named Dave. And the chimpunk's name is Alvin, Simon, and Theodore.

And then lets see the my acrostic poem about this story, check this out.

S : Smart (I think Simon is so smart that Alvin and Theodore)
I : Intellegent (beside smart he was Intellegent to)
M : Most taller (in my prediction he was a taller from Alvin and Theodore)
O : Overprotective (He was very Overprotective with Alvin and Theodore, he love so much with Alvin and Theodore)
N : Not wicked (yeah he was very kind to, I think he was never get angry, even when he angry thats mean he was love with they)

Simon is the oldest than Alvin and Theodore, and then he was the smartest too.
Simon was a chimpunk which one is not much to say, but he was very considerated with Alvin and Theodore.

My reason is, my acrostic poem is right because Simon is the most smartest chimpunks in there, and this is real.
And then he was like a first brother of Alvin and Theodore. And yeah actually he was cute to.

Oke all thats enough for me, I hope you enjoy it, I hope you like it sorry when you find a wrong word or anything, because I not deliberate.
Thank you^^



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